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American International Theism University


AITU offers only educational programs that prepare students for religious vocations as ministers, professionals, or laypersons in ministry, counseling, theism, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, or social work.

AITU offers only educational programs that prepare students for religious vocations as ministers, professionals, or laypersons in ministry, counseling, theism, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, or social work.

Our faculty members get chosen based on their strong academic foundation, learning base, and commonsense experience. They exhibit an impressive balance between educational research and real-world experiences, which help our students grow and learn from every course.

Our students can apply their learned experiences on the job after they graduate. And if there is ever a need for additional assistance in the future, our highly specialized faculty are always accessible to graduates.

AITU uses a cutting edge Learning Management System, where students can sign into their classrooms at their leisure, participate in classroom discussions and mixed media introductions, and access the AITU online library. Students can earn their degrees at a reasonable cost without going into debt.

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  • Englewood

    1460 S McCall Road Suite 5 Englewood, Florida 34223, 34223, Englewood

American International Theism University