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Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE)


The Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) was created in 1954. Its founders, in particular, Alexandre Marc, understood the urgent necessity to train professionals and citizens in the subject of a united Europe. CIFE is a private non-profit-making international organisation that includes several European studies courses as well as conferences, seminars and publications.

The Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) is a private institute of higher education and research. It is one of the six designated institutions receiving special funding from the European Union in the framework of the Jean Monnet Programme. Since its foundation by the French intellectual Alexandre Marc in 1954, CIFE has been a firm advocate of European integration, foremost through its international and interdisciplinary study programmes.

European Studies and International Relations

Under the slogan Living and Learning Europe, CIFE offers different Master programmes in European Studies and International Relations which provide students with the opportunity to study in three different countries over a one year period. CIFE's Executive Master in EU Studies is targeted at professionals, by combining online teaching with face-to-face workshops in different European cities. CIFE provides excellent academic teaching, offering students problem-focused learning at the crossroads of theory and practice. This is guaranteed by its international faculty, with guest lecturers from renowned academic institutions and research centres. Many of our programmes are carried out in close cooperation with partner universities. Beyond our academic network, professionals from international organisations, most prominently from the European Union, make an equally substantial contribution to CIFE’s programmes.


CIFE's research priorities reflect its intellectual heritage and academic competence: European Integration with a special focus on Franco-German relations, federalism, energy transition, sustainable development and climate change policies, trends in political and social theory. Together with TEPSA, we are a member of the Horizon 2020 consortium "FEUTURE" and work on different scenarios with regard to the future of Turkish-European relations. Together with its research associates, CIFE has also widened its international academic network and extended its expertise to the Western Balkans, the Eastern Partnership, and China.


CIFE’s research is available in different publications, most of which are accessible via CIFE’s website and for its quarterly journal "L'Europe en formation".

L'Europe en formation is a bilingual journal (French/English) dealing with European integration, international relations and federalism, with a transdisciplinary approach bringing together political philosophy, law, economics, sociology and culture. The journal was first launched in 1960 and has set up a scientific committee in 2008 in order to enhance its scholarly profile.


CIFE has its head office in Nice and branch offices in Berlin, Brussels, Istanbul and Tunis.

Erasmus +

It receives special funding in the framework of the Jean Monnet Programme of the European Union (Erasmus +).

Read more on the institution's website

Graduates and Alumni

The graduates of CIFE’s Master’s programmes work as Senior officials in European institutions, as policy officers within the UN framework, as administrators, diplomats, consultants, researchers for think tanks, lobbyists and academic experts and come from over 100 countries. They are our best ambassadors.

In the CIFE Alumni network, our Alumni keep in touch with CIFE and stay updated in European affairs through the events CIFE organises regularly with lunch debates, regional meetings and the annual international Alumni event in alternating European capitals etc.


    • Berlin

      CIFE in Germany Bundesallee 23

    • Nice

      CIFE in France 81, rue de France

    • Brussels

      CIFE in Belgium c/o Fondation Universitaire Rue d'Egmont 11

    • Vienna

      Vienna, Austria

      Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE)