"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
A forward-thinking, modern and student-oriented institution, „Dun?rea de Jos" University of Galati has a firm commitment to generate and transfer knowledge to society.
Facts and Figures
The academic community of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati is composed of the following:
- 12.500 students
- 1000 teaching staff
- 14 faculties
- 67 Bachelor Study Programmes
- 52 Master study Programmes
- 3 Doctoral Schools
- 13 Doctoral Study Programmes
- 230 doctoral students
- More than 2500 international students
- “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati has concluded more than 100 partnership agreements with universities from 34 countries.
In order that the teaching and research activities be carried out in optimal conditions, the university has:
- 38 research centres
- 3 student campuses
- Accommodation for 2800 students
- 3 cafeterias
- 12 reading rooms
- 1 student chapel
- 2 gyms
- 1 medical office
StockSnap / Pixabay

Mission and Objectives
A forward-thinking, modern and student-oriented institution, „Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati has a firm commitment to generate and transfer knowledge to society through:
- Initial and continuous education – through undergraduate and postgraduate programmes for self-development and career orientation, in an attempt at meeting the demands of the social and economic environment;
- Research, development, innovation and technology transfer – through individual and collective creativity in science, engineering, economics, arts, letters, sciences, humanities, medicine, legal sciences, providing sports performance and physical development, and the dissemination of results .
The university offers all members of the community the necessary conditions for putting into practice their personal aptitudes by means of education, scientific research and social-cultural activities.
The University assumes the role of cultural and civic centre meant to contribute to the formation and dissemination of cultural values, to promote pluralism of options and the development of political and civic culture.
The University also assumes the role of scientific and technological creation pole, to support all economic, educational and social entities in the region. Its mission is to promote free thinking and the values attached to the principles of the universality of knowledge.
The university fulfils its mission by achieving the following objectives:
- Creating specialists with a superior training for education, science and culture, health, technology, economics, judicial and social activities, according to the study programmes included in the structure of the university, to the educational standards and to the needs of the society;
- Updating and improving the training of specialists by master programmes, doctoral studies, post-doctoral studies and continuous training;
- One of the objectives of the university is ensuring the quality of teaching activities at national and international standards:
- Improving the curricula, the syllabus and the teaching and evaluation methods;
- Improving education based on transferable credits, to ensure students the possibility of transfer from one study programme to another, and to obtain international recognition of the diplomas awarded by the university;
- Development, diversification of and results from computerising the teaching-training process;
- Uncovering, stimulating and valorising the aptitudes of students, giving special attention to individual values.
fxzh / Pixabay

- Galați
Strada Domnească,47, , Galați