EFST Summer School
Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism, Split is proud to present the second International Summer School-themed “Regional Development and Policy – A New Conceptualisation and Reality Check” taking place June 10 – 14, 2019 in beautiful Split, Croatia. The Summer School has been tailored to upper-year undergraduates, graduate students, Ph.D. students, and professionals from all over the world (social, humanistic, natural sciences, and technical sciences).
Organized by the Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism, Split and supported by The Regional Science Academy (TRSA), the Summer School “ Regional Development and Policy – A New Conceptualization and Reality Check” represents a unique opportunity to learn and discuss structures, actors, processes, challenges and future perspective of the regional development and EU policy in dialogue with leading international academic experts and practitioners.
- Split
Cvite Fiskovića 5, 21000, Split