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Erasmus Mundus Master Chemical NanoEngineering

The Chemical NanoEngineering program is a joint master program in Chemical Nanoengineering offered by three European universities:

  • Aix-Marseille University (France)
  • Tor Vergata University of Rome (Italy)
  • Wroclaw University of science and Technology (Poland)

Chemistry for Nanoengineering is an innovative field of science and technology which is developing very fast. The 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry shows the importance of the research in this area. It has shown that engineering of Nanomachines is no longer science-fiction; it is just a beginning of new engineering specialty where the Nano-systems can be numerically designed and chemically synthesized. These new technologies will create a large demand for specialists in this field.

This Master Course offers an original program in the highly innovative domain. Skills will be acquired at the strongly interdisciplinary level needed to master emerging Nano-technologies and to develop original concepts and applications aiming at novel engineering breakthroughs in many domains; biomedical nanotechnologies, nanomaterials or applications for environment.

The originality of our program is that it deepens the principles of chemistry and engineering with a special orientation in the field of nanotechnology and a strong address to the industrial reality. Another originality of our program is based on the extensively developed courses dealing with the numerical design and engineering applications of Nano-systems.

Our program is aimed at methodologies applied to Nanoengineering, application-oriented, and specifically focused on chemical synthesis and characterization. It aims at the methodology of bottom up designing of Nano-systems using modeling and chemical synthesis at the Nanoscale.

  • Marseille

    Centre St Jerome, 13397, Marseille

    Erasmus Mundus Master Chemical NanoEngineering