Finance and Information Management
The Elite Graduate Program Finance & Information Management (FIM) offers its highly motivated students various exclusive benefits which enable them not only to successfully complete a unique and ambitious program but also prepare them for future career success in leadership-positions either in business, science or government. The program guarantees a broad education with lectures and seminars by national and international well-reputed colleagues from renowned universities.
In 2004, FIM was introduced within the framework of the Elite Network of Bavaria. FIM has emerged as a great success story ever since: In addition to the Universität Augsburg, the Universität Bayreuth and the Technische Universität München, other national and international scientific and business partners constitute this unique and individual study program.
Being successful in a leadership position requires both, professional as well as interpersonal competences. Regular soft skill courses, summer schools, projects with business partners and an obligatory social project as part of the curriculum provide these important qualifications. Thus, FIM promotes personalities with highly diverse skills and interests. Besides, the technical education, the personal development and extension of interdisciplinary competences is a major element within our program with the aim to build leadership-competences. Furthermore, the high level of diversity due to the different back¬grounds of both students and faculty leads to a large mutual enrichment.
- Augsburg
FIM Kernkompetenzzentrum Universitätsstr. 12 86159 Augsburg, , Augsburg