Master in Architecture and Urbanism Projects
Barcelona, Spain
21 up to 2 Months
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The Projects area has currently taken a strong role in the professional development of executives from the most varied professions, since they all participate, with different roles, in the development and implementation of a project. The area of Architecture and Urbanism as a whole, is without a doubt the one that historically has had the greatest development and application from its own conception, for this reason the need to develop a program that meets current professional demands, specialized in Urban-Architectural projects. Due to this, the Master in Development of Architecture and Urbanism Projects is structured under an innovative training scheme for the area, since it not only runs in parallel the three classic areas of the world of projects, such as: Design, Management and Direction , but also does it in a transversal sense with the five relevant thematic axes of the area: - Analysis and theory of Architecture and Urbanism. - Methodological development of projects. - Project implementation and management. - Technologies applied to Architecture and Urbanism projects. - The Environment in Architecture and Urbanism projects. - Allowing in this way a highly specialized training in the area from all the necessary approaches for a correct private professional performance in the private sphere and / or in government areas. Finally, it is important to highlight that the superposition of the 5 thematic axes mentioned, with the three classic Project areas, and the combination of theory and practice of immediate application make up a training program focused on strengthening capacities, skills and knowledge to - Design a project; - Manage its projection from initiation to post-mortem reflection; and, - Direct all individual and collective human resources, and technicians towards the purposes of the project and the interests of those affected.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.