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IMT Atlantique


IMT Atlantique is one of the Top Engineering Graduate schools in France, and recognized internationally as a leading Technological University in the global rankings (Shanghai, THE, QS…). Its goal is to combine digital technology, energy, and environment in order to transform society and industry, through education, research and innovation. It is located on 3 campuses in the Western part of France: Brest, Nantes and Rennes.

IMT Atlantique is a member of the “Institut Mines-Télécom” (IMT), the largest group of public engineering and management schools in France (8 schools, 13400 students, 4600 graduates each year). With a common mindset and a shared vision, the IMT members strive to develop academic programs and research activities in line with companies needs in order to contribute to innovation and entrepreneurship.

IMT Atlantique’s missions are built on strong values:

  • The attachment to the French Elite Graduate Engineering School model.
  • Solid scientific and technological foundations.
  • The importance is given to the social sciences and humanities.
  • A strong network of industrial partners and a sense of entrepreneurship.
  • Openness to and close collaborations with academic and research partners.
  • The desire to be exemplary in terms of sustainable development and social responsibility.

IMT Atlantique is ranked among the top ten “Grandes Ecoles” in France. Its cutting edge engineering, graduate and post-graduate programs, as well as its research activities, are recognized nationally and internationally for their excellence.


The programs are tailored to be relevant for both the students’ future career paths and the needs of industry, in the convergence of digital technology, energy, and environment.

Programs: MSc in Engineering, MSc, International MSc, Post Master Professional certificates, Engineering apprenticeships/vocational, PhDs.

Major emphasis on pedagogical innovation.


  • The research potential ranks IMT Atlantique among the top 10 in France.
  • Research topics in the field of energy and digital technology:

Subatomic physics and nuclear chemistry - Energy and environment processes - Robotics and automatic control - Simulation, modeling, optimization, coding, decision - Design of electronic, microwave and optical functions - Implementation of fast algorithms for complex functions - Signal and Image processing, Big Data processing - Computer Science, Software Engineering, Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence - Networked Systems (communication, energy, waste, water, air) - Humanities.

  • A significant contribution to the research development with 6 mixed research units (5 CNRS and 1 Inserm).
  • Funding of 3 ERC projects in recognition of the quality of its research (European Research Council grants),
  • 2 academic chairs and numerous scientific awards.

Key figures

  • 3 campuses : Brest, Nantes, Rennes
    2 350 students :730 graduates/year from MSc to PhD
  • 780 staff including 500 permanent staff
  • 290 permanent researchers on our campuses,
    Including 110 HDRs (Researchers with supervisory accreditation) and research lecturers
  • 800 publications/year including 450 of “rank A” €70 million budget Including € 27 million of our resources, € 18 million of which from research contracts
  • 3 European Research Council Grants
  • 3 incubators (45 companies hosted, 15 new start-ups per year)

International exposure

  • 180 partner universities around the world.
  • 51 double degrees.
  • Erasmus Mundus Master’s programs, Erasmus+ mobility.
  • More than 70 countries represented on IMT Atlantique’s campuses, 40% international students.
  • Masters programs taught in English
  • 3 offshore programs (China, Senegal, Vietnam)
  • "Bienvenue En France" accreditation: label awarded by CampusFrance which garantee the quality of experience for international students.

    How to Apply


    IMT Atlantique is internationally recognised as a Technological University, as attested by its rankings in the reference lists for higher education abroad, in the general rankings and/or by theme: the Times Higher Education (THE), the Shanghai ranking (ARWU), QS, Webometrics, U-Multirank....

    Ranking details on our website

    • Brest

      IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire Campus de Brest Technopôle Brest-Iroise CS 83818

    • Nantes

      IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire Campus de Nantes 4, rue Alfred Kastler - La Chantrerie CS 20722

      • Cesson-Sévigné

        IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire Campus de Rennes 2, rue de la Châtaigneraie

        IMT Atlantique