ISAE-ENSMA has had a reputation for excellence for over 70 years as an institution that has educated over 6500 high-level engineers while engaging in internationally renowned research, and strong partnerships with major companies.
ISAE-ENSMA has had a reputation for excellence for over 70 years as an institution that has educated over 6500 high-level engineers while engaging in internationally renowned research, and strong partnerships with major companies.
The ISAE ENSMA program prepares engineers for careers in design offices and research and development in the aerospace field and more generally in transportation, mechanical engineering, and energy.
The curriculum is wide-ranging and designed to answer the needs of industry in terms of reactivity and the capacity for adaptation. It covers the mechanics of fluids and structures, aerodynamics, energy, thermal engineering and propulsion, materials and industrial computing. The school develops strong relationships with industry and with premier higher education and research institutions in France and all over the world.

ISAE-ENSMA is the school of reference of the French common INP competitive exam in aeronautics and space design. ISAE-ENSMA is an engineering school in which training and research are closely linked. The training has a significant “research and development” component and the research, which clearly embraces the “engineering sciences” sector, has close links with industry. With its laboratories and engineers, for a long time, the school has carried out contractual activities for major firms, some of them also recruiting many of our graduates. These are mostly companies working in the aeronautical and space industries and more generally the transport, mechanics, and energy sectors. The training provided at ISAE-ENSMA enables young engineers to take up jobs in design offices and research and development positions, mostly in the aeronautical and terrestrial transport industries.
Key figures
700 engineering students
100 PhD students
200 permanent staff
50 international academic partnerships
20% of international students
3 Master programs (taught in French): Air and Ground Transportation, High Performance Materials, and Computer Science.
The P' Institute - P' is composed of six laboratories in combustion and detonation, aerodynamics, heat transfer, mechanics and physics of materials and mechanical engineering. A technological platform called the CEAT (research center in aerodynamics and heat transfer), from the University of Poitiers and ENSMA, gathers heavy research facilities also used for teaching related to supersonic test branches.
Laboratory of Computer Science and Automatic Control for Systems
The laboratory is based on four axes (or teams):
- Data and model engineering
- Real-time embedded systems modeling
- Modeling, identification, and diagnosis of systems
- Systems analysis and control

ISAE-ENSMA’s graduates are mostly recruited by major national and international groups (SNECMA, Airbus, Dassault, Renault, THALES, PSA, FRAMATOME, etc.) or by the contracting companies associated with them (ALTRAN, Teuchos, etc.). In terms of employment sectors, our graduates have a major presence in the aeronautical and space industries (45%), although the fairly wide-reaching nature of the training also provides them with opportunities in sectors such as mechanics and land transport (25%), energy (10%) and industrial IT
- Chasseneuil-du-Poitou
Avenue Clément Ader,1, 86360, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou