ISIGE - MINES ParisTech is the center of MINES ParisTech dedicated to the environment and Sustainable Development. Its ambition is to be a driving force for ecological transition and to promote a demanding environmental innovation.
Leader in the field of training in Environment and Sustainable Development, the ISIGE - MINES ParisTech offers three specialized masters.

Research and Expertise
ISIGE is a multidisciplinary center on environmental issues that combines expertise in engineering sciences, social sciences and natural sciences. To deal with the contemporary issues of our societies, be it questions of metropolisation, energy transitions, acceleration of climate change, transformations of industrial models, ISIGE strives to develop a grid of analysis marked by the environmental focus. In direct contact with the economic and institutional actors, the center aims to contribute to the public debate on the necessary changes of models of our societies to limit the anthropogenic (and material) footprint of our activities. It thus develops research and accompanies companies and territories around the issues of ecological and environmental transitions.
The multidisciplinarity of the center and its members allows to develop research covering various fields ranging from eco-design of industrial products to public policy challenges on the financing of urban infrastructures. The centrality of training within ISIGE has also enabled the development of a specific research axis around issues of transitions education.
The main areas of research and expertise are divided into four main areas:
- Territorial and social ecology
- Governance of transitions
- LCA and industrial ecosystems
- Learning transitions
Two other sections include ISIGE conferences as well as other more punctual projects on the margins of the main axes.

ISIGE in society / Conferences
Since its creation in 1992, ISIGE has made opening up to society one of its priorities. We give access to the knowledge and knowledge that we produce because we consider them to be part of the common heritage. This requirement is reflected in the sharing of information with the general public at events organized frequently and throughout the year (conferences, seminars, etc.).
In this process of opening up to society, we engage our students in communication activities for the general public and we invite them to produce digital content (articles and videos) to be found on our blog: http: // blog-isige.
List of the latest ISIGE conferences:
- February 12, 2019 Conference round table "The Digital, the best and the worst for an ecological transition?" with Frédéric Bordage, Anne Tozzolino, Eric Maillard, Gregory Labrousse, Paula Forteza, Hugues Ferreboeuf
- January 10, 2019 Conference: "Claire Nouvian, her commitment at BLOOM" with Claire Nouvian
- May 16, 2018 Conference: "How will we move in 20 years?" with Nicolas Meilhan
- 12 March 2018 Conference: "How does CSR fit into the world of textiles?" With Isabelle Anton
- March 6, 2018 Roundtable conference "The Circular Economy" with Matthieu Orphelin, Franck Aggeri, Helene Valade, Valerie David, Laetitia Vasseur, Thierry Kuhn
- 6 February 2018 "Climate risks, innovation in the service of cities" with Henri Gurs, Clemence Fischer, Claudine Guidat
- October 25, 2017 "Crises, ecological transition and common goods" with Gaël Giraud
- Île-de-France
Boulevard Saint-Michel,60 [email protected], 75006, Île-de-France