Jacksonville University
Jacksonville University will be a nationally and internationally recognized university known for signature programs, inviting and supportive campus, and success of its students.
October 1, 1934: First convocation of William J. Porter University in 3rd floor auditorium of First Baptist Educational Building.
1935: Porter University officially changes to Jacksonville Junior College (JJC). Classes move to Haddock Business University classrooms at 517 Laura Street.
1936: The school occupies the entire second floor of the Florida Theater Building.
April, 1944: JJC moves to Kay Mansion at 704 Riverside Avenue.
October 2, 1950: Classes begin on Arlington campus in first permanent building (Founders).
1961: College of Fine Arts established.
1981: New majors introduced: dance, photography and communications.
2001: Renovations are made to Council Building and Kinne Center.
July 1, 2004: Kerry Romesburg became the eleventh University President.
2007: Nursing expands to include Family and Emergency Nurse Practitioner sub-specialization, first in Florida, sixth in country. Oak Hall, newest modern living quarters, opens to students.
The Mission of Jacksonville University is to prepare each student for life-long success in learning, achieving, leading and serving.
This mission will be accomplished as a small, comprehensive, independent university community located within a vibrant urban setting. The University serves an ethnically and geographically diverse, predominantly undergraduate student body, as well as adult learners in selected undergraduate, masters, doctorate, and professional certification programs.
The Jacksonville University learning community will provide personalized service, close student-faculty interaction and an extensive array of educational and co-curricular programs. Our learning experience will emphasize engaged learning, the integration of thinking with doing, and the combination of professional preparation with a strong liberal arts foundation.
The Jacksonville University learning and living community values:
- students and the quality of their learning/living experience as the highest priority;
- faculty and student engagement in teaching, learning, and extending knowledge within an environment of excellence and academic freedom;
- service to the University, community, and society; and
- honesty, integrity, and mutual respect.
Jacksonville University will be a nationally and internationally recognized university known for signature programs, inviting and supportive campus, and success of its students.
The focus of Jacksonville University will be on creating a complete learning environment where students can develop and experience academic, social, and personal success. Students will feel that Jacksonville University is their academic home; a home in which they feel safe, secure, appreciated, and involved. The foundation of this effort will be the full-time undergraduate program, complemented by selected professional and graduate programs.
- Jacksonville
University Boulevard North,2800, 32211, Jacksonville