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New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) Electrical & Computer Engineering, M.S.
New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)

Electrical & Computer Engineering, M.S.

1 up to 2 Years


Full time

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USD 24,020 / per year *


* Annual tuition fee for full-time, student: $24,020. Additional fees may apply.


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Electrical & Computer Engineering, M.S.

Our graduate program in Electrical and Computer Engineering provides you with comprehensive knowledge and proficiency in:

  • Advanced mathematics and stochastic processes
  • Linear systems and digital communications
  • Computer architecture and system design
  • Parallel computing, networks, and integrated circuit designs
  • Areas of specialization such as computer security, quantum computing, nanotechnology, signal processing, and information technology

The 30-credit curriculum also offers a thesis option in which you’ll take six credits relating to thesis courses. This allows you to gain specialization in areas that make you better qualified for specific research and development opportunities.

Our Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center in Long Island offers you the opportunity to join research projects in areas such as cybersecurity, health care, and energy. This may lead to your work getting published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at major conferences. You can also join us at the annual Cybersecurity Conference at our Manhattan campus, where we welcome experts from academic, business, and government worldwide.

Engineering Facilities

Test classroom theory in the school's labs. From vacuum ovens to wind tunnels, you'll access the same equipment used by industry professionals.

marijana1 / Pixabay


Required Courses Credits:

  • EENG 635 Probability and Stochastic Processes (3 credits)
  • EENG 641 Computer Architecture I (3 credits)
  • EENG 665 Linear Systems (3 credits)
  • EENG 770 Digital Communications (3 credits)

Total: 12 Credits

Thesis Track Credits:

  • EENG 889 MS Thesis I1 (3 credits)
  • EENG 891 MS Thesis II1 (3 credits)

Total: 6 Credits

1Non-Thesis Track students do not take these courses.

Electrical/Computer Electives2

  • EENG/CSCI/INCS XXX Any graduate course within the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences approved by the chair/advisor3 (12–18 credits)

Total: 12–18 Credits

2Thesis Track takes 12 credits. Non-Thesis Track takes 18 credits.

3No more than six credits can be taken from CSCI and INCS courses.

Total Required Credits = 30

Program Advisory Boards

Our College of Engineering and Computing Sciences advisory boards provide guidance to academic departments within the school and promote a continuing relationship between NYIT students, faculty, alumni and industry experts.

The goals of each board include:

  • Advising and assisting in academic and professional matters.
  • Providing input on current trends in the industry.
  • Identifying necessary skills and areas of interest for curriculum development.
  • Promoting and enhancing the quality of the programs.
  • Identifying projects and funding sources.

Career Options

An NYIT degree is your passport to an exciting future in an in-demand field. Possible career opportunities for graduates with this degree include:

  • Automation/controls engineer
  • Communications system engineer
  • Computer architect
  • Electrical engineering consultant
  • Instructor/Trainer
  • Researcher
  • Systems design engineer

Tuition, Scholarships, & Financial Aid

We believe it's important to offer access to the opportunity for all qualified students. NYIT has one of the lowest private tuitions in New York State and provides more than $40 million in institutional financial aid each year.

Admission Requirements

  • B.S. degree or its equivalent from an accredited college or university in electrical or computer engineering or a closely related field with appropriate undergraduate courses, such as calculus through differential equations and linear algebra, physics, and the usual electrical engineering core courses.
    • If you have a degree in engineering, an accredited program is one that is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).
    • If you have completed degrees in computer science or a closely related field, an accredited program is one taken at a college that is regionally accredited, such as the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
    • If you have an international baccalaureate degree or diploma which is equivalent to three years of undergraduate study in the U.S. in computer science, engineering, or a related area, you may be eligible to be admitted into a bridge option in your intended graduate program.
  • Minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.85 for full matriculation. Note: Credits earned for the courses above will not be counted toward the 30 credits required for the M.S. degree. Additionally, all 500-level bridge courses will earn a pass/fail grade.
    • U.S. Students Only: If you do not qualify for full matriculation, you may be admitted at the dean’s discretion. Upon completion of nine graduate credits and fulfillment of pre-curriculum requirements, your status may be reviewed for performance evaluation and further advancement in the academic program.
    • For students with insufficient background for full matriculation, up to 40 credits from the list of waivable and prerequisite courses below may be required.
    • Waivable Courses
      • EENG 502 Electrical Circuits I and Engineering Tools (4 credits)
      • EENG 504 Introduction to Electronic Circuits (3 credits)
      • EENG 505 Fundamentals of Digital Logic (3 credits)
      • EENG 508 Electrical Circuits II (3 credits)
      • EENG 512 Control Systems (3 credits)
      • EENG 514 Signals and Systems (3 credits)
      • EENG 515 Random Signals and Statistics (3 credits)
      • EENG 518 Communication Theory (3 credits)
    • Additional Prerequisite Courses
      • MATH 170 Calculus I (4 credits)
      • MATH 180 Calculus II (4 credits)
      • MATH 260 Calculus III (4 credits)
      • MATH 320 Differential Equations (3 credits)
  • Submit GRE scores
    • Graduates of foreign universities are required to take the GRE and submit their scores.
  • If you have a GPA below 2.85, you may, at the discretion of the dean, be asked to take the GRE or other diagnostic tests. Admission will be based upon consideration of test results, previous academic performance, and related employment, if applicable.
  • Transfer credits: You may transfer up to six transfer credits from an accredited graduate program for appropriate courses in which a minimum grade of B was earned.

General Application Materials

  • Completed application.
  • $50 nonrefundable application fee.
  • Copies of undergraduate transcripts for all schools attended. All final, official transcripts must be received prior to the start of your first semester.
  • Copy of college diploma or proof of degree.
  • Official GRE scores, if required. NYIT GRE Code: 2561
  • International student requirements: English proficiency, I-20, and transcript evaluation

Fellowships and Assistantships

Fellowships and teaching assistantships are available to qualified candidates. These financial aid opportunities are usually for a 10-month period and may include partial remission of tuition and fees.

English Language Requirements

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About the School


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