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Politecnico di Milano - Master School F.lli Pesenti

The Politecnico di Milano is an Italian state university of scientific-technological character, founded November 29, 1863 in Milan under the name of "Royal High Technical Institute". His fields of study and scientific research include engineering, architecture and design. The Politecnico releases the academic titles of degree, specialist degree and research doctorate and is the site of several research doctorate courses and university masters. Currently the University has about 36,000 students enrolled.

The 2015 edition of the QS World University Rankings, one of the most cited and renowned rankings on international universities, places the Politecnico di Milano among the five hundred best universities in the world and in particular decrees that, for the Civil-Construction Engineering area and for the Design area, the Politecnico di Milano is located respectively as follows:

- ITALY: 1st place (Civil-Construction Engineering) 1st place (Design)
- EUROPE: 4th place (Civil-Construction Engineering) 4th place (Design)
- WORLD: 13th place (Civil-Construction Engineering) 11th place (Design)

Fernando Meloni / Unsplash

architectural photography of glass ceiling buidling


Cultural background:
Italy has about two-thirds of the world's artistic heritage, this following two thousand years of leadership in the history and culture of modern European civilizations. It is a country that includes historical and current excellences in the field of architectural and engineering design. The Schools of Architecture and Engineering of the Polytechnic of Milan have preserved and passed on these excellences since 1863 until today, without interruption.

Economic background:
Milan is the capital of Lombardy, one of the most economically vital regions of Europe; in these years we talk about the "new Renaissance for Milan". For over a century it has stabilized its economic and productive role, becoming the largest Italian financial market, as well as one of the world capitals of fashion and design and home of Expo 2015. Production excellence that has become even more fundamental for the whole of Italy by when the global financial crisis of 2008 had strongly negative repercussions on our nation's economy and on its labor market. Today more than ever, companies are looking for specialized staff, able to immediately bring a real and concrete benefit to the organization: we talk about "employability" and "employability skills".

Geographical background:
The centrality of Italy in the Mediterranean together with its elongated shape, with different climatic, environmental and seismic conditions, are challenges for differentiated and innovative engineering and architectural solutions.Matteo Raimondi / Unsplash

brown and blue concrete buildings


The previously summarized conditions and the will of the school management allow to place the F.lli Pesenti Master School as a training tool capable of bridging the gap between university education and the innovation of the professions, particularly in the world of Construction and Infrastructure.

The internationalization of the engineer and architect profession proposes constantly evolving challenges due to the design choices, in which an engineering and architectural work must be optimal among the various possible options, sometimes in mutual conflict between them.

The School, thanks to the continuous collaboration between figures of the academic world, renowned manufacturers and professionals, allows the Master's students to face all aspects of the major Italian and international projects, from the preliminary feasibility study of real estate investment to the construction site, touching all the project phases, reaching the management of the built.

The innovation that characterizes the School can be read in the offer of the 8 Master Courses (all open also to three-year graduates and to foreign students), activated for the next edition 2016 - 2017 also ONLINE. This allows the educational tradition of the School to reach students all over the world, allowing them to stay up to date and attend a Masters Degree in Politecnico di Milano without having to move and without having to interrupt their work activities. Starting from the AY 2014-2015, the F.lli Pesenti Master School has expanded its training offer, also addressing those who wish to keep up to date professionally, without wishing to commit for a whole year. Therefore, the School proposes, in the different areas that belong to it, 4-month Specialization Courses and CFP courses that recognize Professional Training Credits to Engineers and Architects. Moreover, the MOOC-Oriented ASP (Advanced Study Program) are also of relevance, which at a very low price allow you to follow all the lessons of a master's degree entirely online, and without the need to devote much time to writing the final thesis. As well as courses organized with leading companies such as Autodesk, Oracle, and Siemens. And the partnerships with Adecco and Manpower.Fernando Meloni / Unsplash

low angle photo of building

In summary

The objective of the F.lli Pesenti Master School is to create "employability", providing specialist and innovative skills to Engineers and Architects in the areas of project management, energy management, BIM management, seismic engineering, forensic engineering and sustainability.

All the people involved in the F.lli Pesenti Master School operate with the aim of making our School a point of reference both nationally and internationally for the creation of employability in the civil, construction, and infrastructural sectors.

Today, construction companies, engineering companies and professional firms need precisely these: specialized professionals capable of creating value immediately, effectively and concretely.

The notoriety and presence, in different ways, of the numerous collaborators in the Great Italian and International Works are the lifeblood of our Masters; the students are actively inserted and guided in these projects, whose numerous problems are a unique training ground for training professionals who are aware of the union, fundamental for the future ruling class, and indispensable today, between university training and technological-professional innovation.

The Masters of the School are increasingly established and recognized in the outside world at the University. Students receive professional offers before concluding the Master's experience; The offer of professional positions for engineers and architects in possession of the Master's Degree is constantly increasing at the School Secretariat.

Read more on the institution's website

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  • Milan

    Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133, Milan

Politecnico di Milano - Master School F.lli Pesenti