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Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (PUC-CAMPINAS)

Our mission

"The Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, from ethical and Christian values, considering the socio-cultural characteristics of reality, its mission is to produce, enrich and disseminate knowledge, contributing to building a just and fraternal society through its activities Teaching and Research, aimed at professional training excellence and the integral formation of the human person. "

Institutional Values

To fulfill its institutional mission, PUC-Campinas guide the execution of their activities by the following values ​​and performance conditions:

1. Solidarity 2. Social Commitment 3. Responsibility for the environment 4. Participation and responsibility 5. Responsibility for the integral formation of the human person 6. Proactivity 7. development with economic and financial sustainability

History of PUC-Campinas

The history of PUC-Campinas began on June 7, 1941, when he was born the first unit of the University, the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters. The Campinas Diocese acquired at the time the old house owned by Joaquim Polycarp spider, known as Barão de Itapura.

In 1955, the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters became Catholic University, recognized by the Federal Council of Education. The title of Pontifical was granted by Pope Paul VI in 1972.

Soon did the mansion built in the late nineteenth century became small to group all University courses. Thus, the new campuses have emerged according to the need of space: the Campus I, Campus II, the Seminary and Institute of Arts.

In 2006, PUC-Campinas celebrated its 65 years of existence.

  • Campinas

    Campinas, Brazil

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      Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (PUC-CAMPINAS)