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Université Francophone du Congo

Francophone University of Congo "UFRACO" Goma

The Francophone University of Congo is located in the province of North Kivu, in the city of Goma, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is evolving in the LMD system.

The socio-political changes of African societies and the challenges facing the horizon for the African continent as a whole call for the development, stimulation and valorisation of intellectual debates, proposals and confrontations of ideas that are most shaped and effective . In this irreversible turn of globalization that we are now embarking on, all peoples are, to varying degrees, subject to the same constraints and opportunities and, with more or less urgency, calling for particular responses to particular challenges, , To formulate a universal response to common challenges.

After the United Nations, in 2006, the African Union launched a second decade for education because education is the main lever that will enable Africa to ambitiate a destiny other than that already widely predicted in many reports International experts. Africa is sick with a lack of knowledge and innovation. The knowledge economy will be the heart of international affairs in the coming decades.

The emergence of a global knowledge society poses major challenges for higher education and research in Africa and, more importantly, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The University, perceived as a medium of diplomas, no longer has the traditional monopoly of elite production. It has itself bogged down in many dysfunctions that prevent it from being a place of integration in society thus allowing to question the present and prepare for the future. This fundamental reason therefore deserves to be completely rested to meet the challenges.

Academic trajectories show the stalemate in which the university institution burdened with all evils finds itself. The fundamental idea is to adapt it to the demands of quality, modernity and competitiveness which today mark the academic and scientific changes at national and international level.


The motto of UFRACO: "Liberty, Truth, Science" (Libertas, Veritas, Scientia)

Subject: Train competent and responsible men and women who are able to exercise their judgment in order to act accordingly. Training must be complete and complete.

It will aim at educational and educational instruction. Our finalists, apart from the acquired intellectual background, will have wherever they go, show exemplary moral behavior and a culture of appreciable know-how and know-how.

UFRACO will use all possible means to achieve its objectives by intensifying conferences, seminars, symposiums, scientific days. And as a university linked to the Bologna process, the LMD system, through the mobility of its students and professors with other universities attached to the system.

  • Goma


    Université Francophone du Congo