MSc in Chemistry and Advanced Chemical Methodologies
Camerino, Italy
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 556 / per year
The Master of Science in Chemistry and Advanced Chemical Methodologies belongs to the Class LM-54 (Scienze Chimiche). It offers the possibility to enhance chemistry knowledge, especially in the areas that characterize the chemical research in UNICAM. The course provides skills and fundamental knowledge in innovative chemistry areas, in order to offer an educational qualification competitive in the global labor market. The Master of Science in Chemistry and Advanced Chemical Methodologies has the ‘Chemistry Euromaster Certification’, a label that assures an educational quality complying with the European model.
The international agreement with the Superior Technical Institute of Lisbon (Portugal) allows, upon request, our students to obtain a double degree by spending half the time of the course at the partner institution.
The University of Camerino releases the Diploma Supplement to certify the skills attained by the graduate.
The main lines of research/study are:
- New analytical and environmental methodologies for monitoring and safeguarding ecosystems.
- Synthesis of new substances for applications in the pharmaceutical, environmental, and industrial fields.
- Development of synthetic processes fulfilling the ‘green Chemistry’ requirements.
- Technological applications of organic polymers and inorganic materials.
- Synthesis and test of advanced materials for energy production and storage.
- Study and enhancement of the quality of agri-food products for the implementation and optimization of the production and supply chain.
The degree program consists of four semesters.
Year 1
- Students will follow courses that characterize the degree class
Semester 1
- Advanced Physical Chemistry
- Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- Environmental Chemistry and Laboratory
- Spectroscopic Methods
Semester 2
- Advanced Analytical Chemistry and Laboratory
- Advanced Organic Chemistry
- Laboratory of synthesis
- Optional activities of free choice
Year 2
The student can differentiate the training path according to his own interests, based on the didactic offer in the thematic areas of the most innovative research sectors, choosing from a list of proposed optional activities.
Semester 1
- Optional activities picked from the proposed list
List of Optional activities (5 ECTS each):
- Biomonitoring
- Energy production and storage
- Environmental Remediation
- Green Organic Chemistry
- Bioorganic Industrial Synthesis
- Polymer chemistry and applications
- Organic Stereochemistry and mechanisms
- Inorganic materials and applications
- Organometallic Chemistry and catalysis
- Supramolecular and Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Structural Biology
- Laboratory of Applied Analytical Chemistry
- Circular Economy and Innovative Materials
- Molecular modeling of biopolymers
The student can select the optional activities of free choice even among other active courses of the School of Science and Technology or of other University Schools
Semester 2
- Chemistry project
- Master Thesis and final elaborate
The last semester is devoted to the thesis project that can be carried out in the UNICAM research laboratories or in affiliated companies and organizations.
Some of the possible thesis topics are:
- Chemiluminescent materials,
- Radiopharmaceuticals,
- Organic and inorganic catalysts,
- Biologically active substances,
- Green chemistry,
- Production and electrochemical storage of energy,
- Nanomaterials and innovative materials,
- Methods for the analytical determination of environmental and food contaminants,
- Applications of natural dyes, ... and many others.
Quality Assurance System
UNICAM Quality Management System Certificate ISO 9001:2015 (from AFAQ-France, a French leader and one of the first certification bodies at the global level) guarantees students the quality of services provided.
The guarantee is via a rigorous analysis of internal organizational procedures and the prompt addressing of any weaknesses or shortcomings whether detected or reported by the students themselves.
The Quality Management System includes the following support services for students: orientation and guidance, mentoring, International mobility, Internships, and communication.
These services integrate with and support the educational activities, so as to contribute to the complete training of the student.
Career Opportunities
The master's degree in Chemistry and Advanced Chemical Methodologies will prepare professionals able to work in labs, industries, and public corporations at a manager level, in the following fields:
- Public and private research facilities;
- Chemical industry and manufacturing;
- Laboratories for analysis, monitoring, and managing the environment and the waste cycle;
- Energy production and energy storage industries;
- Analytical chemistry laboratories for compliance testing and/or quality assurance;
- Private professional practice
Labor Statistics
The labor statistics carried out by Alma Laurea in 2020 show that the employment rate of graduates of the LM54 Class of UNICAM, one year after graduation, is 80%; the comparable national figure is 78.3%.
The University of Camerino signed several agreements and conventions with many institutions, universities, and companies both in Italy and abroad to facilitate the mobility of students and their interaction with the labor market.
Program delivery
The teaching activities are delivered in English and are divided into two semesters each year, from October to the end of January, and from March to mid-June. The Winter Exam Session is in February. Teaching takes place in the classrooms and laboratories of the Chemistry section and the Polo Didattico of the School of Science and Technology. The lessons will be held in a face-to-face mode, but is possible to attend classes also in remote mode under strict regulation. The practical and laboratory activities require compulsory attendance and will be organized in a manner that will be appropriately communicated.
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.