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University of Neuchatel, Faculty of Economics and Business


The University of Neuchatel is a Swiss University which offers courses at Bachelor, Master and doctoral levels, as well as "third cycle" and continuing education courses.

The University of Neuchatel is a Swiss University which offers courses at Bachelor, Master and doctoral levels, as well as "third cycle" and continuing education courses.

At the University of Neuchatel, the student is the focus. We pride ourselves on creating future leaders, thanks to our innovative teaching programs.

The University of Neuchatel is:

    • a congenial organization accommodating around 4000 students, supported by 860 staff of whom 120 are professors
    • high standards of teaching, due in particular to a student/teacher ratio unique within Europe
    • an international reputation, especially regarding biology, anthropology and health law, as well as the Economic Research Institute (IRENE) and the Center for the Understanding of Social Processes (MAPS)

  • Neuchâtel

    Université de Neuchatel Faculty of Economics, Avenue du 1er-Mars 26,

    University of Neuchatel, Faculty of Economics and Business