Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Human Rights
18 Months
Full time, Part time
31 Jan 2025
09 Sep 2025
EUR 5,044 *
* precios vigentes para el curso 23/24
The Master's Degree, organized by the Gregorio Peces-Barba Human Rights Institute, offers specialized and advanced training in the field of human rights with an academic and research focus and orientation.
The master's degree provides training in the basic dimensions of human rights, as well as specialization in the different areas from which the study of rights can be approached.
Students will acquire knowledge of general theory of rights and research methodology, international human rights law, constitutional law and jurisdictional protection of rights and contemporary challenges to rights. In this way, students are trained and qualified to carry out teaching and research activities in this field, which also allows them to participate in activities of non-governmental organizations, national and international agencies for the defense and promotion of rights and human rights consultancies.
Its research nature allows students to access the Doctorate in Advanced Studies in Human Rights.
El Máster en Cifras
- 30 estudiantes por clase
- More than 15 different nationalities
- 40 teachers with doctoral degrees specializing in the subject
Scholarships and Funding
The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is offering 8 full grants to carry out studies for the Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Human Rights in the 2024/2025 academic year, which gives access to doctoral programs at UC3M.
- Las ayudas completas incluirán las tasas académicas correspondientes, así como una dotación anual de 11.500 €.
Para solicitar la ayuda es necesario haber sido admitido en el máster o haber formalizado la solicitud de admisión al Máster.
Curso 1 - Cuatrimestre 1
General Theory of Human Rights
- Concept and Foundation
- Legal Theory
- Historia
Introduction to Research: Methodology and Research Techniques
- Research Techniques
- Social Sciences Methodology
- Legal Methodology
- Economic Analysis of Law
International Human Rights Law
- International Systems for the Protection of Human Rights
- Practice of applying international human rights law
Constitutional and Procedural Law of Fundamental Rights
- Constitutional systems and protection of fundamental rights
- Jurisdictional protection of fundamental rights
Curso 1 - Cuatrimestre 2
Philosophy of Law and Human Rights
- Political Philosophy
- Teoría del Derecho
- Legal Sociology
Current Human Rights Challenges
- Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups
- Pluralism and Freedom of Conscience
- Seminar: Current human rights issues
Research project
Curso 2 - Cuatrimestre 1
- Trabajo de Investigación
- Trabajo Fin de Máster