Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
The Universidad Nacional de La Pampa , with headquarters in the city of Santa Rosa, province of La Pampa, is a public law entity, autonomous and autarkic, which aims to interpret the needs of society and dynamize the change in it , as well as the promotion, dissemination and preservation of culture. It fulfills this purpose in direct and permanent contact with universal thinking and pays particular attention to regional and national problems.
The University contributes to the development of culture, within the framework of a humanistic conception, through studies, scientific and technological research and artistic creation. It disseminates ideas, the achievements of science and artistic achievements, by education and the various means of communication of knowledge. It has especially the purpose of forming democratic men.
The University is a community of teachers, students, graduates and non-teaching staff. It seeks the integral and harmonious formation of its components and infuses in them moral rectitude, civic responsibility and democratic convictions. Form original researchers, qualified professionals and career teachers, socially committed and willing to serve a model of politically free, economically independent and socially fair country. Manage graduates in teaching and research tasks and through them, their relationship with society. Develops instances of self-evaluation in search of an improvement of academic activities.
Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

The University is essentially democratic and as such affirms and defends democratic doctrine. It is dispensing in ideological, political and religious matters, ensures within its precinct the broadest freedom of research and expression, but does not ignore the facts and social, political and ideological processes, but studies them scientifically and seeks to provide solutions to overcome .
The University, in addition to its specific task of study center and higher education seeks to spread the benefits of its direct cultural and social action, through the university extension
The University studies and objectively exposes its conclusions on national problems and provides technical advice to state institutions, being able to make agreements with private institutions provided that the nature of the latter responds to the general interest.
- Santa Rosa
Coronel Gil,300-398, L6300, Santa Rosa