Master's Degree in Libraries and Heritage Collections
Barcelona, Spain
1 up to 1 Years
Full time
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EUR 28 / per credit *
* 27.67 euros per credit (82 euros for students who are not EU nationals and do not currently reside in Spain). Fees for the academic year 2024-2025
The master's degree Libraries and Heritage Collections is a blended program of 60 credits that provides professional training in the management and treatment of cultural assets in the form of bibliographic materials and documents. The master's degree is offered every two years and includes compulsory work placements, which are designed to assist students in finding employment, as well as a final project in the field of heritage.
The master's degree focuses on the management, treatment, dissemination and promotion of heritage. The aim is to train professionals who can master the processes and techniques of information creation, analysis, management and evaluation. The role played by heritage centres in knowledge dissemination has turned heritage into an essential element of European cultural policy. Bibliographic and documentary heritage is a key aspect of this policy and demand for accessing and consulting heritage assets continues to grow.
The master's program takes an interdisciplinary approach and is open to degree holders with various qualifications. The training adopts a broad view of cultural heritage so that professionals and graduates in a wide range of disciplines will find the degree beneficial.
The program is also available in Catalan.
This master's degree is intended to train specialists who can take charge of the management, treatment, dissemination and promotion of cultural assets in the form of bibliographic materials and documents, develop projects and evaluate products and services related to heritage collections
The general objectives focus on training professionals who are able to apply new information and communication technologies to older resources, specialized libraries and special collections, and who are flexible in their ability to carry out projects in heritage management, dissemination and promotion, while adapting new norms and procedures and creating shared and consistent standards for the description, safeguarding and dissemination of heritage on a European scale.
Additional objectives include the mastery of processes and techniques employed in the creation, analysis, management and evaluation of information in different media and formats for the utilization of end consumers, including reference services in libraries and online support services. For these cases, students will examine the characteristics of users of these products and services, professional ethics and the national and international legal framework.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Career opportunities for professionals in bibliographic and documentary heritage are diverse: different heritage centres; libraries with special collections and records; personal, business or historical archives; and businesses in management of heritage collections and cultural projects.