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University at Baku Eurasian University


Baku Eurasian University was founded by a doctor of philological sciences, professor Nazim Huseynli on April 30, 1992, under the name “High Diplomatic College”. The main goal of establishment of such type of college was to prepare specialists to work at the embassies in foreign countries and consular services, other representing structures and international organizations, diplomats, synchronous interpreters, journalists and lawyers, specialized experts of the western and eastern countries, including qualification of cadres operating in the diplomatic level and carrying out scientific research works as to the proper fields.

About us

Baku Eurasian University was founded by a doctor of philological sciences, professor Nazim Huseynli on April 30, 1992, under the name “High Diplomatic College”. The main goal of establishment of such type of college was to prepare specialists to work at the embassies in foreign countries and consular services, other representing structures and international organizations, diplomats, synchronous interpreters, journalists and lawyers, specialized experts of the western and eastern countries, including qualification of cadres operating in the diplomatic level and carrying out scientific research works as to the proper fields. 1992-1993 can be characterized as the period of preparation of admission of students, as well as setting effective activity of the university as a scientific-research center. Just in this period, scientific researches were carried out in the university on the fields, being absolutely new for our Republic: researches on fundamental and applied problems of foreign policy and diplomacy; researches on studies of Azerbaijan; organize the preparation of scientific publications; building up information system on the appropriate fields, etc.

Taking into consideration the fact that High Diplomatic College ensured original unity of the experience of education and preparation of staff, possessing vast and fruitful set of international relations, possessing ability to ensure teaching process, guaranteeing high-quality methodic equipment, having potential of modern substantial-technical basis and progressive scientific-pedagogical specialists, as well as its graduates representing in local and international scene at the highest level the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan appealed to rename it as Baku Diplomatic University in 2005. So, High Diplomatic College was registered as Baku Diplomatic University since June 30, 2005, and it was registered under the name of Baku Eurasian University (BAAU) since May 26, 2006. At present, it operates as Baku Eurasian University.

Preparation of specialists in the fields of international relations, international law, international journalism, international economic relations, synchrony translation (English, German, French, Arabic, Turkish), regional study (USA and Canada, European countries, Middle, Near and Far East countries) for the first time in the Republic is associated just by the name of High Diplomatic College.

The main objective of BAAU is to represent Azerbaijan’s education system and scientific potential successfully and prepare highly-educated specialists to meet the requirements of modern standards. Specialist preparation experience based on the international training profile was one of the main directions for BAAU. To achieve this target BAAU built fruitful cooperation links on staff and student, as well as experience exchange with a number of institutions, syllabus, and the curriculum was compiled on the basis of international education standards. All these factors paved the way for BAAU to earn high status among the other universities.

Since the day of its existence, BAAU realized management and organization of the education process based on scientific principles, far from the traditional stereotypes and distinguished by democracy. As a result of the implementation of innovative educational programs meeting both national and international requirements, even in the period when there was not enough public attitude understanding private education sector in our country, BAAU achieved to gain young people’s attention.

Why do we choose BAAU?

University of both the past and the future

Azerbaijan’s first private university which has taken a lot of initiatives; During more than twenty years of activity it has had thousands of highly qualified graduates who contribute rapid development of the country; Having reputation and wide network of international relations BAAU considers that being beneficial for people is its major task and it permanently innovates.

Qualitative education

  • BAAU has high indicators for the quality of education;
  • Education process based on Bologna Process;
  • Its diploma is recognized in all state and private universities, as well as abroad;
  • BAAU realizes various projects in the field of academic researches;
  • BAAU has sent a lot of students to abroad who wanted to continue education in foreign countries;
  • University has a professional, well-educated professor and teacher staff;
  • BAAU has a well-equipped library with thousands of books, e-catalog system, and large reading hall;
  • BAAU gives a chance to have an in-depth knowledge of language learning in Russian, English, German, French, Turkish and Arabic languages.

Training center for foreign students

Training center for foreign students established in 2015 taking into account expansion of international relations of BAAU and increased interest of foreign students in BAAU. It prepares students for further study at BAAU or other universities. Training at the center is conducted in Russian or English depending on the choice of students.

The University creates all conditions for the newly arrived foreign students to feel confident and comfortable from their first days in BAAU.

The students receive a certificate after graduating from the training program and it paves the way for them to be successful in their future career and education life.

The center actively cooperates with the institutions and centers of various countries of the world and joins international projects.

Library and Information Centre

The main objective of the Library & Information Centre is to organize and make the documents available to the BAAU students. The mission is to serve BAAU students, faculty, and staff by providing access to the information resources needed to support and develop learning, teaching, and research at the Center.

The library is rich in limited edition books: “Dede Korkut” (1963), “Nazim Hikmat creativity” (1967-1968), Mahmud Kashgari “Divani lugati turk” (2006), “Azerbaijani Carpets: Tabriz Group” (2013), “Molla Nasraddin” (1988) and others.

The center has corners dedicated to the life and political activity of the national leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev.

Turkological research center

The Turkological research center was founded in 1999 by the rector of BAAU, prof. Huseynli Nazim. The center, the first of its kind in Azerbaijan, conducts comprehensive researches about all directions of Turkology. It studies languages, history, literature, folklore, culture, and ethnology of people speaking Turkic languages and Turkic peoples in a chronological and comparative context.

The researches covering various topics on Turkic nations were classified in the center. To analyze history, science, culture, art, traditions of the Turkic nations is the main mission of the center.

Glossaries containing an explanation of phrases, terms, words, and idioms in the Turkic dialects are also being compiled and translated in the center. Following books are being explored at present:

  1. “Ottoman dynasty tombs” by Hakki Onal, 1992.
  2. “Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian laws and Ammi Shaduga order” by Mebrure Tosun and Kadrije Yalvac, 2002.
  3. “Turkish dialects glossary”, 1991.
  4. “Altai Epics” by Ibrahim Dilek, 2007.
  5. “Glossary of Ottoman historical idioms and terms” by Mehmet Zeki Pakal, 1993.
  6. “Turkish dictionary” by Ali Puskuloglu, 2010.
  7. “Glossary of philosophical terms” by Ahmet Cevizci, 2003.

1350 coded books (mostly in Turkish) are being kept in Turkish Hearth which operates under the center. The center provides a wide range of in-depth research in the field of Sumerologia. Nazim Huseynli’s long-term scientific researches are remarkable in this regard. His articles on the Sumerian civilization, books on lexical parallels are important sources.

The center contributes the organization of joint events with the participation of representatives of Turkic nations, as well as the development of relations on science, culture, literature, art, etc.

The Library and Information Center continues to keep pace with the developing electronic resources and programming technologies, recently implementing a new online catalog system, and planning for electronic document delivery to the desktop of Center employees.

BAAU library houses rich collections of books, journals, dissertations in various fields.

  • Baku

    Ac.Hasan Aliyev street, 135 A, AZ1073, Baku

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      University at Baku Eurasian University