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University of Canterbury

Academic excellence in a superb location.

Established in 1873 by Oxford and Cambridge scholars, the University of Canterbury (UC) is ranked within the top 200 universities in the world (THE-QS World University Rankings 2008) and it is one of New Zealand’s top universities for research quality (Performance-Based Research Report, 2006).

UC has a reputation for academic excellence in research and teaching. Its courses and qualifications are internationally recognised and aim to foster intellectual independence, critical thinking, and professional excellence. Academic staff are actively involved in research and publishing in their areas of speciality. As a result, students learn from faculty who are at the forefront of knowledge in their field. Teaching and supervision opportunities up to doctoral level are available in every discipline.

UC has links to many international universities. These links include staff and student exchange programmes, research collaboration and articulation agreements. The Erskine Programme makes it possible for distinguished academics from international universities to visit and teach at Canterbury. The University has around 70 such visitors each year, adding further knowledge and diversity to its teaching programmes.

UC offers degree programmes in Arts, Commerce, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Forestry, Law, Music, Social Work, Speech and Language Therapy, Science, Sports Coaching, and Teaching and Learning.

Vision: People prepared to make a difference - tangata tū tangata ora

  • Christchurch

    University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800,



    University of Canterbury