MA in Theology & Religious Studies (Research)
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 20,800 / per year *
* for Non-EU|for EU/EEA EUR 2,530
How can we interpret the influence of religion on local and global developments? What are the relationships between religion and other cultural domains such as science, philosophy, and politics?
In this Research Master's program, you will study how religion is embedded in present-day and historical-cultural contexts. You will explore the impact of local and global socio-economic and political developments on religion, and how religion contributes to such developments. A staff member whose research interests in religion matches yours best will act as your supervisor throughout the program.
You will acquire an overview of central debates in the study of religion and develop key research skills by following three compulsory core modules. We offer four specialization routes within which you can develop your individual research profile and skills. Your individual, tailor-made route within the program consists of a combination of optional modules from one of the one-year master specializations, research traineeships, (individual) tutorials, and writing a thesis and a research proposal. The final specialization occurs in the Research Master's thesis, which forms the basis of a Ph.D. thesis proposal or an application for research funding.
Why study this program in Groningen?
- Best Research Master's program in Theology and Religious Studies in The Netherlands
- Taught by leading experts with a world-class reputation
- Small classes with intensive supervision.
- Students can follow their own research interests
- Focus on the dynamic relationships between religion, culture, and society
Year 1
In the first year, the program consists of the two compulsory core modules (20 EC), a compulsory course unit on generic academic skills (5 ECTS), a course unit on field-specific research skills (5 ECTS), three specialization modules (15 EC), a tailor-made (individual) tutorial (5 EC); a research traineeship (5 EC), and a specialization elective (extra module, tutorial or research traineeship) (5 EC).
- Theories of Religion and Culture (10 EC)
- Specialization: optional course units (15 EC, optional)
- Field specific research skills (5 EC, optional)
- Philosophy of Science in the Study of Religion and Culture (10 EC)
- Generic academic skills (5 EC)
- Research Trainee-ship (5 EC)
- Specialization: Elective (5 EC, optional)
- Specialization: Tutorial (5 EC, optional)
Year 2
In the first semester of the second year, you preferably go abroad to take extra courses, tutorials, and research traineeships (30 ECTS). Alternatively, you do your specialization course units, tutorials, and research traineeships in the Netherlands. The program will be completed with a master's thesis (25 EC) and a research proposal (5 EC).
N.B.: Presentational skills, and skills to write a research proposal are trained throughout the two years program in a series of workshops and in monthly meetings with Ph.D. members of the Graduate School.
- Research Traineeships (15 EC)
- Specialization: Elective (5 EC, optional)
- Specialization: optional course unit (5 EC, optional)
- Specialization: Tutorial (5 EC)
- Thesis (25 EC)
- Writing Research Proposal (5 EC)
Study load
40 hours of class and self-study per week on average
1 ECTS = 28 hrs. of study. One year contains 60 ECTS. You will have on average 8 hrs. of lessons per week at the Faculty, the rest of the hours is reserved for the preparation of the classes and studying.
Two core modules (20 EC); research classes, tutorials, and trainee-ships in all fields of Theology and Religious Studies (40 EC); Thesis/Research Proposal (25/5 EC), and six optional modules (30 EC) from our Master's programs in Religion, Conflict, and Globalization; Religion and Cultural Heritage; Religion and Pluralism, Ancient & Modern; Religion, Health, and Wellbeing.
Program options
- Religion, Conflict, and Globalization (specialization)
- Religion and Cultural Heritage (specialization)
- Religion and Pluralism, Ancient & Modern (specialization)
- Religion, Health, and Wellbeing (specialization)
- Master's Honours program: "Leadership: making the difference' (honors program)
Study abroad
- Study abroad is recommended
- For an average of 20 weeks
- Maximum of 30 EC
We have various exchange contracts with universities both inside and outside Europe, enabling students to follow part of their degree program at a foreign university. Another option is to take an internship or to do part of the research work abroad.
Career Opportunities
Job prospects
A degree in Theology and Religious Studies (research) provides a perfect background for:
- admission to Ph.D. programs at national and international institutes and universities;
- positions outside academia for which academic research skills are required;
- positions as a civil servant, advisor, or policymaker with local and national government;
- teaching positions.
Job examples
- Ph.D. position
- Independent scholar
- Secondary education teacher
- A civil servant or policy advisor at national or local government
- Position in publishing