Witten/Herdecke University (UW/H)
Witten/Herdecke University (UW/H) was founded and state-recognized in 1983 and ever since has been a pioneer among Germany’s higher education institutions. The Witten/Herdecke University introduced significant innovations in research and teaching. As a model university, Witten/Herdecke University stands for dynamic reforms of the traditional alma mater and the pursuit of a humanistic educational concept adapted to the challenges of our modern knowledge society.
Witten/Herdecke University (UW/H) was founded and state-recognized in 1983 and ever since has been a pioneer among Germany’s higher education institutions. The Witten/Herdecke University introduced significant innovations in research and teaching. As a model university, Witten/Herdecke University stands for dynamic reforms of the traditional alma mater and the pursuit of a humanistic educational concept adapted to the challenges of our modern knowledge society. In adherence to Humboldt’s educational ideals, Witten/Herdecke University perceive itself as an entrepreneurial university and strives to integrate research and student education, provision of scientific services, practical application and social responsibility. Theory-based and practice-oriented teaching at UW/H is always associated with the acquisition of subject-related, methodical, social and cultural competencies, value orientation and personal growth.
Witten researches.
Research at UW/H is interdisciplinary, highly diverse as to methodology, and focuses on well-defined areas. As a private university with a moderate percentage of state funding in our budget, we feel obliged to contribute something to society in return for the funds we receive. One way to do so is to generate innovative research results. Real-life problems call for transdisciplinary research. The social relevance of our chosen fields of research is as important in this respect as the transparent and generally understandable publication of research findings. Numerous UW/H projects are third-party financed. Over 40 applications for third-party funds were successful in 2010 alone. Our researchers cooperate with renowned national and international partners. All UW/H Faculties strive to address new and previously unexplored research areas and thereby trigger significant developments.
Witten educates.
Education is much more than training for the job. In addition to subject-related expertise and skills, we also convey methods and strategies which enable our students for the rest of their lives to cope with complex and permanently changing demands of the modern knowledge society, either as generalists with specialization competencies or as specialists with a broad general basis of knowledge. In line with the Witten didactics, student education is problem-oriented, state-of-the-art and close to practice. Personal growth is another of our core objectives.
Interdisciplinary – undisciplined
Following Humboldt’s educational concepts, UW/H students study in small groups with an excellent student-teacher ratio and sufficient time and space to discover their talents and potential and form their own opinions. Students are encouraged to think in wider contexts and assume social responsibility in and beyond a chosen discipline. The future's economic, ecological and social challenges will certainly not respect the boundaries of academic disciplines.
Witten – fundamental.
Fundamental studies are a core element of the Witten/Herdecke identity. They foster out-of-the-box thinking. They embody the university’s guiding idea and facilitate learning processes beyond subject-related expertise. Here students tackle questions for which we have no ready answers, or for which there may be no answers. Education needs protracted reflection and a change of perspective needs alienation and distance from self and the world. Fundamental studies offer this opportunity to call a halt. They constitute an undisciplined and decelerated approach to a wealth of perspectives between reflection, communication, and art. Fundamental studies are the contemporary successor of ancient schools of the art of life and studia humanitatis. Among Germany’s universities, the UW/H fundamental studies are the oldest and most sophisticated model that integrates academic issues and questions related to society, the arts, social justice, concern for one’s personal future, politics, psychology, philosophy and history and assesses their relevance for an individual’s attitude, actions and conduct of life. In an increasingly complex, rapidly changing, and insecure world, prospective physicians, entrepreneurs, managers, politicians, or consultants need methodical, social, ethical, and cultural competencies as well as subject-related expertise.
Witten gets involved.
The role of higher education in society has undergone radical changes in recent years. Research and teaching are still core activities at universities. But today we expect more. Civic engagement as the “third mission” in addition to research and student education has always been part of UW/H's identity. At the founding ceremony of Witten/Herdecke University, Alfred Herrhausen spoke of “esprit engagé, a dedicated spirit to be developed and employed for the fostering of our society”. This spirit is an essential part of our philosophy and attaches equal importance to social responsibility, student education and the generation of innovative research results. From the start, Witten/Herdecke University assumed social responsibility in many forms and on various levels. Witten/Herdecke University is continuously exchanging with the community: with Witten’s citizens, the local and regional business world, social and cultural institutions, and even international organizations, corporations, and foundations. Given our tender age and a comparably small number of 1.300 enrolled students and 400 staff, we have produced an impressive number of social, cultural, commercial and non-profit initiatives.
Witten works.
Despite Bologna reforms, increasing economic constraints for universities and new degree programs for formerly non-academic professions, Witten/Herdecke University still offers the freedom of studies that are theory-based and close to practice, ethical and aesthetic, speedy or relaxed, dissident and unconditional, interdisciplinary and undisciplined. And suppose Harvard University President Drew G. Faust is right in her belief that university culture is essentially undisciplined and that this should be the starting point for future universities. In that case, we seem well-positioned at UW/H. Accordingly, Witten/Herdecke University understands itself as an unconditionally undisciplined university in the sense proclaimed by Drew and Derrida, and as a place of critical thinking. Witten makes a difference, Witten works: in research, teaching and society. In – and at the interfaces of – health, economics, and culture.
Detailed information
> Detailed information on Witten/Herdecke University and our international program.
The modern campus of the University of Witten/Herdecke is located in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region, Germany's largest economic area.

Learn in small groups on an equal footing with the professors.

Work in bright and modern learning spaces.

Join year-round events such as the Family Business Congress or international sustainability events.

In addition to studying, numerous leisure activities and celebrations take place.

Experience a strong network of students, professors, and alumni.

- Witten
Witten Herdecke University, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50, 58448 , Witten